Song of India plant

Dracaena Reflexa: Growing and Caring Tips

The Song of India is well-known for flourishing both indoors and outdoors. To thrive generously, it requires bright, indirect sunlight and well-drained earth. The Song of India plant is scientifically known as “Dracaena Reflexa”. It is commonly referred to as the song of Jamaica.

It originates from islands in the Indian Oceans including Mauritius and Mozambique. This vegetation is low maintenance  that doesn’t need too much water. “Dracaena Reflexa” is adaptable to various light environments and easy to maintain. This tropical vegetation looks remarkable on a shelf or in a corner of the living room.

The downside of Song of Jamaica is that it cannot thrive in winter if kept outdoors. But the good thing is that you can still keep it indoors at a normal room temperature, even if it’s freezy cold outside. This tree is poisonous to dog and cat, so shielding your pet from it is important. If you want to learn more about Song of Jamaica, make sure to check the article below.


The “Dracaena Reflexa” develops at a sluggish to moderate speed and grows about three to four inches per year. Indoor, the Song of India reaches 4 to 6 feet of height, and a spread of 2 to 3 feet when completely grown. However, this vegetation can achieve up to 15 feet tall outdoors and around 20 feet tall in the wild.


The appearance of Dracaena Reflexa is something that can bring exotic beauty to your home or office. If we talk about its looks, this plant has lance-shaped leaves in the shade of green along with prominent yellow stripes. The leaves form a spiral pattern while its texture is relatively coarse and differ from other plants that we usually have in our homes. Additionally, you will love this plant even more when it blooms in the spring season with small, fragrant clusters of flowers.


The life of the Dracaena plant depends on the species and environment. The Song of India variety lives around 10 years indoors when grown in ideal conditions. However, some Dracaena plants only survive for only a few years. The “Dracaena Reflexa” can live for over a decade if grown outdoors in subtropical zones. If you want this plant to live for a long period then you must be conscious about its care routine.

Care for song of India plant


A loose potting mix soil is best for Dracaena Reflexa plants. I also recommend using it with vermiculite or perlite to enhance drainage. A tropical plant mix or a blend of regular potting soil and perlite is also an excellent option. Moreover, repot the Dracaena Reflexa plant when the soil appears exhausted.


The water frequency of the Song of India plant depends on the environment and how fast the soil dries. However, you can water it every 1 to 2 weeks. In winter, this plant needs less water. When watering the Song of India plant, keep the earth moist, but not soggy. Shun overwatering, as it is sensitive to root rot.

Before watering, check soil moisture by inserting your digit to see if the top inch is dry. Make sure the pot has drainage drains to avoid liquid buildup at the rear. Moreover, this plant is sensitive to fluoride in tap H₂O, so be sure to use only purified or bottled water to prevent fluoride buildup.


Song of India should be kept at a consistent temperature for better growth. The ideal range for Dracaena Reflexa plants is between 64° and 75° Fahrenheit. It’s essential to protect the plant from sudden temperature changes and cold drafts. This plant grows well in warm climates and cannot tolerate cold weather.


Even though Dracaena Reflexa is adaptable to various light conditions and can endure low-light environments, you should give it at least four hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day. The problem for this plant in low light is that its vibrant variegation becomes less pronounced. Also, the leaves of Dracaena Reflexa can scorch in direct sunlight so it should be kept out of direct sun. You can also utilise artificial lamps but make certain they are positioned to solar light.


Pruning the Dracaena Reflexa supports maintaining its size, improve its appearance, and encouraging bushier growth. Early summer and spring are active growth periods for this plant, so Prune it during this time to support the rapid recovery. The long, leggy stems and yellowing leaves of the plant can be easily trimmed using sharp, clean shears.


Fertilizing a Song of Jamaica plant allows it to grow and prevent pests and diseases. Feed Dracaena Reflexa plants with a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks in the spring and summer. However, you should stop or reduce feeding in the winter season as the growth of plants slows down.

Different types of Song of India plant

There is a wide range of varieties of the Song of India available. In the following, we have mentioned some popular Song of India variations. Make sure to take a look at them.

Green Song of India

The green song of India has a classic look with its uniform green leaves. Along with its classic appearance, it creates a calming atmosphere with its lush green leaves. In addition to being visually beautiful, this assortment offers numerous advantages. By generating oxygen and removing toxins, this plant purifies the air which is beneficial for your health. Placing this plant in the office or bedroom can be a great addition.

Miniature Song of India

The miniature Song of India is a small variety that retains all the beauty of the larger plant varieties. This plant is a convenient choice for those with limited space. It will add appeal to any area, whether you set it on a desk or windowsill. Just like dracaena reflexa, this variety thrives in different conditions which makes it promising.

Variegated Song of India

The variegated Song of India originated from the tropical region of India. This variety is recognized for its yellow and green variegated leaves. The green and yellow leaves combination instantly captures everyone’s attention. Additionally, this plant is famous for decorating homes during festivals.

Benefits of Song of India

  • The Song of India plant helps to remove indoor air pollutants like xylene
  • The Dracaena Reflexa plant is top choice for decorative use
  • These plant leaves can be applied to treat insect bites or minor skin disturbance; however, consult a healthcare professional before applying natural treatment
  • The Dracaena Reflexa is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to manage
  • This plant can thrive in different light conditions

Common issues with Song of India

  • Overwatering the Song of India plant can cause root rot and droopy leaves
  • Too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves
  • The song of India is sensitive to fluoride in tap water
  • Spider mites or mealybugs often make homes in the plant
  • This plant cannot grow in cold weather
  • Song of India is toxic to dogs and cats


1. Can I plant Song of India outside?

Song of India can be planted outside, but it depends on the hardiness region and local climate. This plant can be grown in USDA hardiness zone 10a-12b.

2. Why is my Song of India plant losing leaves?

Overwatering, underwatering, and environmental stress are often the reasons why the Dracaena Reflexa plant loses leaves.

3. How much do taller Dracaena Reflexa plants get?

Dracaena Reflexa plants can grow to three to twenty feet tall, depending on the growing conditions.

4. What conditions affect Dracaena Reflexa plants?

Song of India plants can be affected by some common diseases such as fluoride toxicity, root rot, thrips, etc. Ensure good air circulation and water your plant properly to prevent these problems.

5. Can house plants be planted outside?

Houseplants like Croton, Pothos, and Dracaena Reflexa can be  moved to the wilderness. These plants thrive well outdoors due to brighter light and warm temperatures.


Song of India is a houseplant that can also thrive in an outdoor environment. This plant is ideal for people with less experience with plants. A key benefit of the Song of Jamaica is that it helps remove indoor air pollutants. You can keep it in your well-lit room to create a calming environment. Moreover, the Song of India plant cannot tolerate cold climates, so you must know its temperature requirements.

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